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Stay ahead of the curve with our LoRaWAN IoT People Counting Solution

Imagine having 24/7 data on how many people were in your important places. That’s what the nCounter, Meshed’s LoRaWAN IoT people counting solution, delivers.

LoRaWAN IoT People Counting Solution

nCounter is our LoRaWAN IoT people counting solution that produces insightful data for crowd sizes and pedestrian counts. Based on the counting of Wi-Fi enabled devices in a specified zone, nCounter reports the number of Wi-Fi connected devices that entered a zone, left a zone and the average “dwell-time” of all devices present.

With nCounter, you own the data which is visualised through a dashboard supported by us. Our nCounter data platform supplies you with near-real time updates at 10 minute intervals, visualised on colour graphs, dials and panels so you can quickly derive insights.

People Counting Applications

nCounter People Counting Case Studies

Meshed has a range of people counting case studies showcasing examples of our nCounter solution in action. From events data to public space pedestrian indexes, local governments are adopting the nCounter for a cost-effective people counting option.

To see how our customers are leveraging the nCounter for pedestrian and crowd insights, visit our Case Studies page.

LoRaWAN IoT People Counting Clients

LoRaWAN IoT People Counting

Get Started with nCounter

  • Counts smart devices in range from 3 to 50 metres
  • Currently compatible with AU915, AS923 and US915
  • Provided as a service with a Data Visualisation Platform
  • Fully anonymized, no personal data is collected at any
  • Ability to seamlessly ingest data to customers’ existing
    BI/GIS/SCADA/Asset Management Systems
Find out morenCounter Datasheet
LoRaWAN IoT People Counting Solution

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LinkedIn Post – Sunshine Coast Council

Read about this People Counting Project which utilised our nCounter solution on the Sunshine Coast.

What is LoRaWAN®?

LoRaWAN® is a Low Power Wide Area Networking (LPWAN) communication protocol that utilises wireless RF technology (LoRa).

Covid-19 People Counting – TTN

Meshed IoT partnering with the Australian based University of Wollongong to undertake research into the social and economic impacts of the global COVID19 pandemic.

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