LoRaWAN Coverage & People Counting

Infrastructure monitoring at its best
A smart city with
smart water and infrastructure
Meshed has built a secure, low power, long range, open-systems data network for Parkes. It now covers a vast majority of the town and supports water metering and other infrastructure monitoring applications.
Counting on the community
A LoRaWAN network
and people counting solution
The Parkes Shire Council LoRaWAN network is an open IoT network for the town to use at no cost to the user. Aiming to create a community asset for businesses and STEM skills development, Meshed has provided a community LoRaWAN network to foster this economy.
The Parkes Elvis Festival brings in big numbers to the town. We have implemented our LoRaWAN IoT nCounter to help monitor crowd numbers in the main central park area at the centre of the Parkes Elvis Festival Celebrations.
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