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We have assisted Lake Macquarie City Council (LMCC) in rolling out LGA-wide LoRaWAN coverage with  The Things Network (TTN). LMCC approached Meshed in 2017 about providing LoRaWAN coverage in their council area for some pilot projects. These pilots were running in conjunction with IoT Alliance Australia and UTS Institute of Sustainable Futures. We established three Meshed-managed LoRaWAN gateways and provided coverage via The Things Network (TTN).

More recently, with the success of the LoRaWAN pilots, LMCC embarked on a bid for Federal Government funding under the Smart Cities and Suburbs Program – Round 2 in 2018/19.


LGA-Wide TTN Deployment

LGA-wide LoRaWAN coverage
Smart Beaches for Lake Maquarie

Bringing beaches into the future with LGA-wide LoRaWAN coverage

Our LoRaWAN coverage for Lake Macquarie assisted in the provision of Surf Life Saving services, visitor amenity and environmental sustainability. Together with Northern Beaches Council in Sydney and other stake holders, with the theme of Smart Beaches was embraced.

LoRaWAN success with us

LGA-wide LoRaWAN coverage to accelerate Lake Macquarie

This initial project was such a success for LMCC, that they have deployed a further 17 gateways to create LGA-wide LoRaWAN coverage. This has created large areas of free public access. LMCC are currently rolling out many use cases including:

  • micro-climate sensing
  • air quality monitoring
  • people counting
  • bin sensing
  • public amenities monitoring
  • water quality and flood level